Thursday, January 10, 2013

Metal Mayhem's Top 100 Bands of All-Time, 5: Slayer

5. Slayer

Today's installment of Metal Mayhem's Top 100 Metal Bands of All-Time will be a brief look at perhaps the greatest thrash band ever, Slayer.

Slayer is an American thrash band from Huntington Park, California that formed in 1981 by guitarists Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King. They are often credited as being one of the "Big Four" of American thrash metal alongside Metallica, Megadeth, and Anthrax. While not as commercially successful as Metallica and Megadeth, Slayer has been the most faithful to the thrash genre which, in my view, makes them the greatest thrash band ever!

Their album, Reign in Blood, is one of the most important thrash albums to be recorded. Plus, it kicks ass!
As great as Reign in Blood is considered, I could argue that Seasons in the Abyss is just as awesome. In all honesty, I can't think of one sub par Slayer album.

One description that I once heard of Slayer's sound, and I am paraphrasing, is that if Hell had a soundtrack, it would be compiled by Slayer.

I could go on and on about Slayer's greatness, but I'm gonna let their music do the talking.

Sorry about the brief nature of this post, but I have been super busy.

Here is "Raining Blood."

"War Ensemble."


"Hate Worldwide."

"The Antichrist."

Thanks for reading!

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